Next Generation Village

Behind the project is the non-profit association “Next Generation Village” – a think & do tank with the goal of designing positive visions of the future and new models of society together with the population and a broad network of partners, making them a virtual experience and testing them in a real-lab environment. It is an interdisciplinary team with backgrounds in economics, philosophy, technology, architecture and environmental sciences.

The TAO Foundation is funding the project to implement the master plan and digital platform.

Next Generation Village

Förderung Gesellschaft - Next Generation Village

Der Klimawandel fordert eine tiefgreifende Veränderung unserer Lebensweise, das extraktive Wirtschafts- und Finanzsystem stößt immer mehr an seine Grenzen und der technologische Fortschritt ist dabei unsere Lebens- und Arbeitswelt grundlegend umzuwälzen. Was unsere Gesellschaft braucht, sind positive Zukunftsvisionen und alternative Gesellschaftsmodelle, die inspirieren und aufzeigen wie eine zukunftsfähige Transformation in unseren Dörfern und Städten aussehen könnte.


Our long-term vision is to build an “Experimental Village of the Future” in Switzerland – a home for pioneers and a lighthouse project to design & experience what life might look like in a regenerative, progressive and culturally flourishing society of the future. The Next Generation Village will serve as a social real-lab, exploring the future of energy, food production, resource management, architecture and material production, mobility, and new monetary, economic and governance systems within a regulatory special zone.

Virtual Future Village

In the next phase, the future village will be built in virtual space and made tangible for the general public as a space for inspiration, learning and design.

Social added value

  • Inspiration
    The virtual village of the future conveys a holistic vision of life in a regenerative society and is intended to inspire
    society and is intended to inspire people to realize it in reality.
  • Public education & promotion of systems thinking
    The virtual future village creates through interactive learning content an awareness about the big
    challenges of the 21st century and shows how these can be overcome by system innovations & concrete
    solutions in everyday life.
  • Interdisciplinary collaboration
    With the network-based & collaborative approach, we bring together people from different sectors to jointly design models of a sustainable society.
  • Experimental space for collaborative models of organization, financing and governance.
    The various interactive Village areas, which represent different future topics (Future of Food, Energy, Mobility, Health, Finance, etc.), invite the community to actively participate in the design process and to contribute to, co-determine or co-finance various online and offline projects. The platform thus offers an experimental space for new collaborative organizational, financing and governance models.

  • Template of a regenerative village and city development.
    By building in virtual space, we have already developed the essential modules & impact simulations with potential implementation partners, significantly reducing the costs, risks and hurdles of real world implementation.

Below are 2 exciting videos:

Trailer for the Next Generation Village

Präsentation Next Generation Village


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Gegründet wurde der Verein von Ralph Horat

«Our society needs positive visions of the future & lighthouse projects that inspire and show how life can function in a regenerative society of the future.».
Ralph Horat


Und dazu noch ein passendes Zitat von Oscar Wilde:
«Ist dies utopisch? Eine Weltkarte, in der das Land Utopia nicht verzeichnet ist, verdient keinen Blick, denn sie lässt die Küste aus, wo die Menschheit ewig landen wird. Und wenn die Menschheit da angelangt ist, hält sie Umschau nach einem besseren Land und richtet ihre Segel dahin. Der Fortschritt ist die Verwirklichung von Utopien.»
Oscar Wilde, 1891