Activation Ley Sites
Imagine a future where the energetic web of Earth’s ley places is fully activated, indigenous communities are protected, ancestral wisdom is honored, and all people live in harmony, connected with a global consciousness of spiritual oneness with nature and the cosmos.
TAO facilitates with EVOL that Wisdom Keepers travel to these Sites and work together with their representatives for reactivations.
The already visited Ley Sites:
0 – INZALO YE LANGA (South Africa)
The Inzalo Ye Langa or “Birthplace of the Sun” (more recently incorrectly called Adam’s Calendar) is considered the oldest man-made structure and calendar in the world. Located in Mpumalanga, the stone circle is 30 meters in diameter and is estimated by some reports to be more than 75,000 years old. Several astronomical alignments have been identified at the site, including those of Orion and Sirius. The monoliths are perfectly aligned with the four cardinal directions as well as the equinoxes and solstices. The solar calendar was originally a large circular stone structure resembling Stonehenge, with two upright center stones that the Sangoma say were carved. Its original shape is still clearly visible on satellite images. It still functions perfectly as a calendar today, following the shadow of the setting sun cast by the taller central monolith onto the flat stone next to it. The stones consist mainly of dolerite, weigh up to 5 tons each and have been transported from a place about 70 km away, since the rock does not occur on the plateau. An interesting discovery of the stone circles are the sound frequencies of the rock formations (similar to the stone gongs at sites like Great Zimbabwe and Khami) and their ability to conduct electricity. The stone circle lies exactly on the north-south ley line that connects it to Giza via this so-called Golden Nile Meridian.
Part of the Wisdom Keepers and part of the Sangomas who were there together preparing the gathering with the Elders and the Ceremony.
Sangoma Ngogo Rutendo Ngara held the spiritual guidance. She also works in the Baba Credo Mutwa Foundation.
1 – GIZA (Egypt)
The Great Pyramid and the Solar Cross
The largest of the 3 megalithic pyramids was originally almost 147 m high and today it is still about 139 m high. The four base sides of the pyramid are almost exactly the same length with 230 m. The pyramid stands absolutely level and the difference in height is a maximum of 16 mm, which had been achieved with a water mass basin, as in the case of the middle pyramid. The corners form perfect right angles, their deviation is maximum 3 minutes of arc, for the northwest corner only 2 seconds of arc (89° 59′ 58″). This far exceeds the precision of modern buildings, because today one reckons with tolerance limits of up to 3°. It consists of 2.3 million blocks, 70,000 of which were angled facing stones. Today, 201 stone courses with an average height of 0.7 m are still preserved. On the square summit platform, which is about 10 m long and wide, there are remains of the 202nd and 203rd layers. The last 9.5 m are missing. The apex is located exactly above the center of the base square. Other inexplicable factors and peculiarities about geometry and mathematics emerge from the mysterious pyramid structure. The best example is the frequent occurrence of the formulas of pi and phi, whose discovery is attributed to the Greeks and which have been used in Europe only since about 1700. The letter Pi of the Greek alphabet stands for the circle number of Archimedes’ constant, which determines the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter and always gives π ≈ 3.14. π is therefore considered a transcendental and irrational number, which today occurs in almost all areas of mathematics.
Part of the Wisdom Keepers, a Sufi and Khemitologists who worked together at the solar cross to prepare the gathering with the Elders and the Ceremony.
Sharazad Aywan, daughter of Hakim Aywan, who runs Khemit School with her brothers, held the spiritual leadership.
Dr. Ibrahim Karim, founder of BioGeometry, was also a partner on site. He is achieving amazing results with his discoveries and application of vibrations, including shielding against electromagnetic radiation. Much is based on the combination of the old and the new knowledge, he has also published a new book on this: Back To a Future For Mankind.
2 – ACOR (Sao Miguel, Azores, Portugal)
Sete Cidades on the island of Sao Miguel, on the left the town, on the right the caldera with the green and the blue lake. The 8 islands of the Azores are the mountain peaks of the submerged continent Atlantia, which is also visible on the submarine maps with the rupture of the Azores continental plate.
The place of the Ceremony inside the Caldera.
The 9 Wisdom Keepers in preparation.
Mindahi Bastida held the spiritual guidance.
Sacred Mount Shasta, is located in Oregon and borders California. The energy site is the mountain itself and what rests beneath it, and so the location at the crossroads of the Ley lines cannot be precisely designated. Some say it is at the center of the ancient volcanic crater, others at Mount Shastina, and still others think it is at Medicine Lake, at the foot of the mountain (similar to Kailash and Lake Mansorawar). This also has to do with the shifting of the Ley Grid.
The Wisdom Keepers after the Ceremony at Mount Shasta.
Chief Caileen Sisk of the Winneman Wintu provided spiritual guidance. Here at a public appearance to protect salmon.
Chief’s son Pom Sisk. He is globally engaged and also leads the project RUN4SALMON.
4 – NAUTILIA (near Hawaii)
The actual Ley Crosspoint is located almost 500 km further out in the Pacific Ocean in the direction of Japan. It is considered by the Japanese Zen lineage, as well as the Kahuna lineage from Hawaii, to be the submerged continent of Lemuria, also called Mu. Since it is inaccessible below sea level, we visited the projects to protect the coast and Mouna Kea with the communities on Kona and Kawaii, where we also did the ceremony.
The sacred mountain is being built over more and more and there is a movement on Bis Island that wants to prevent this: We are Mauna Kea.
Wisdom Keepers with Kahuna and community representatives after the ceremony at Mouna Kea.
Kalani Souza provided spiritual guidance. The wise Kahuna priest is a versatile activist and networker.
Mount Qaqqarsuaq in Greenland is the sacred mountain of the Inuit. The trip there was planned for October 2022, but it had to be postponed at short notice to March 2023. This year larger movements of the pole migrations are expected and because the North Pole is not accessible via Russia at the moment, a Ley line will be used for this connection and ceremony.
Preparing for the sunrise ceremony.
Angaangaq will spiritually guide the Ceremony. He is one of the last great Shamans and Wisdom Keepers of the Inuit and spreads their knowledge also through ICE WISDOM.
The 4 Ley Sites which will be visited in 2023
6 – XIAN (China)
0 – KAILASH (China)
7 – ULURU (Australia)
The 4 Ley Sites which are below sea level today
9 – NINOGI (Indian Ocean near Madagascar)
10 – WORAMO (Atlantic Ocean near South Africa)
11 – VUGE (Pacific Ocean near Chile)
12 – MEGIMI (French Polynesia near Morea)